Eva Fritjofson and Lars Väringer. Photo Tove Sjöstrand.

Eva Fritjofson and Lars Väringer. Photo Tove Sjöstrand.

Director Thérèse Ahlbeck with Eva Fritjofson and Bengt CW Carlsson. Photo: Anders Kämpe.

Director Thérèse Ahlbeck with Eva Fritjofson and Bengt CW Carlsson. Photo: Anders Kämpe.

Fisken och apelsinen

2012 | 9 min

Directed by Thérèse Ahlbeck
Written by Erlend Loe
Produced by Gothenburg Film Studios



Eva Fritjofson…………..Eva
Bengt CW Carlsson……Bengt
Lars Väringer…………..Lasse


In their trailer, parked in a cave, Eva (Eva Fritjofson) has greeted the Orange-salesman (Lars Väringer) in a way that bothers her husband Bengt (Bengt CW Carlsson). Bengt finds out when he, wounded in his foot, returns from the fishing trip with tonight’s dinner, the fish. A story about roles, love, hurt and redemption, shot with an absurdist key signature.

A Gothenburg Film Studio Production. Shot in front of a live audience.